Our Little Kickers league is designed for youngsters that are new or beginners to the game and want to learn the core fundamentals while in a safe, fun and supportive environment. Little Kickers consists of three separate divisions; 3 year old’s, Pre-K and Kindergarten. Little Kicker teams will be provided a local practice field once a week and 8 coach-led games will be scheduled on weekends. Teams are built based on players registered and teams may be boys, girls, or coed. Jerseys, socks and awards for each player are provided.
New Players: New players are welcome to register as a pool player and request to join an existing team or staff will build new teams if enough new players register. All requests to join an existing team must be approved by the Head Coach.
Ages: Pre-K (3), Pre-K (4) and Kindergarten
Fees: $100.00/player
Season: September – November
Register: www.eurekasports.net